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Skip a Break This Summer and Sign Up for College Classes Instead!

Skip a Break This Summer and Sign Up for College Classes Instead!

Did the title of this article really say to skip your summer break from college? 


When you’re feeling ambitious and want to further your education and future career prospects, it’s a good idea to get a jumpstart in any way that you can. Over the summer, signing up for extra college courses could help you skip ahead in your goals. Need a little convincing? Read on for a short list of why it may be a good idea to forgo a summer of nada for a summer of college credits. 

Course Selection is Limited, but There are More Available Positions

When you were a kid, summer school was dirty words and the last thing that you wanted for your summer break. However, as an adult and college student with high hopes for your future, summer school could be exactly what you need to further your academic success and get ahead in a prospective career field. 

College courses are often offered based on degree necessity or student interest and professor availability; hence, why some classes may be nixed from a summer lineup. Course selection for college is more limited in the summertime, but the classes are smaller, which means there are more available positions because most college students won’t choose summer school if given a choice. 

Take a look at your degree syllabus. How many credits do you need for graduation with your degree? How many college courses are offered to satisfy some of those credits for the summer? If college is your choice for summertime, choose classes that will be beneficial with credits towards your degree. Don’t take a class for the sake of taking a class because that’s 1) a waste of your academic funds and 2) time you could spend doing something more beneficial to your future, such as a summer job or internship. 

Smaller Classes and Focused Teacher-to-Student Attention

You know from routine college semesters that professors are often busy creating a curriculum for dozens, if not hundreds, of different students, so their time is limited. However, during summer classes, the courses are smaller in comparison to routine courses, so there’s hope for more focused teacher-to-student attention. Instead of running for the exit as soon as the time is up, your professor could have time to help you with difficult coursework problems, which means better understanding and an increased chance of success in the class. 

If you know the subject matter like the back of your hand, you should have no problems with larger college classes. Some people are naturally great at subjects like mathematics, science, and biology. However, if you struggle with a certain subject, it’s best to wait until summer when that course may be available for a smaller, better class experience. 

Great Time for a Smaller, More Difficult Courseload 

As mentioned above, while some courses are taken off of the curriculum altogether, there are other, more difficult classes that are offered to summer students that need more attention and focused interactions. Have problems with English? Need some help with algebra? Summertime could be the perfect opportunity for you to overcome difficult classes in better, more attentive settings. 

…Or Pepper Your Summer with Fun Electives! 

Alongside those difficult summer classes are a handful of fun electives, some of which you may have never expected to see. The history of vampires, for example, is an interesting subject that was offered in one local college. It provided college students with an electives credit but also proved simply fun to take and learn about. 

Some electives may have been things that you never considered learning before you saw the class available. It may be something that you have always had an interest in but never had an opportunity or a reason (or resources) to learn about. Summer provides the perfect backdrop for breezy, fun college electives, so take the chance. Earning extra credits doesn’t have to be all serious work and no play. 

Keep Your Momentum Towards Graduation! 

There are typically 12 to 13 weeks in an average summer, which means almost 100 days that you could use to further your academic career in hopes of a bountiful, successful future. That’s why you’re in college in the first place, right? 

Using the summertime to earn college credits can either keep or increase your momentum toward graduation. Wouldn’t any college student want to graduate with a degree sooner than anticipated? That’s possible when you forgo summer breaks in favor of a few extra credits. It’s time well-invested into your end goals. 

Not Interested in College Credits but Still Want to Get Ahead? Choose an Internship Instead! 

If college coursework isn’t something you want to do for your summer, then an internship could be another gateway to furthering your future. Internships in your selected career field can give you an edge over other college students that are going for the same degree, especially if that career field is competitive. 

With an internship, you can bolster your hands-on know-how of a specific job while also solidifying your goals for the future. Some college students find themselves working in a career field that isn’t as fulfilling as they hoped it would be. With an internship, you can make an informed decision about what you really want to do with your workforce future and if that specific career is the one you want to continue with. 

Side note: Remember that most internships are unpaid, so get into this option for the experience – not the money. 

You can find internship opportunities by – 

  • Asking your college professors for a hand-up on internship opportunities in a specific career field. In some cases, there could be academic chances through on-campus means, so you could stay somewhere familiar while delving into a potential job. 
  • Delving into university forums and on-campus bulletin board ads. There are always pin-ups of available job and internship opportunities. 
When you’ve worked hard throughout every normal semester, it might seem unfair to work hard through your summer break from college. However, taking one or two extra college courses doesn’t mean that you have to give up your summer entirely. You can still relax with some downtime while working towards your goals, so consider enrolling for extra college credits at every opportunity to further your potential for the future.
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